M&M's Marchers
For the past 7-ish years my family has participated in the local Relay for Life. This event has been near and dear to me being that I am a Cancer Survivor. It's importance escalated even more so after losing my Dad to cancer. This year I was blessed and honored to walk the Survivors Lap with my sister-in- law- a Cervical Cancer Survivor, a fellow teacher and friend who is currently braving the battle against Breast Cancer, and one of the kindest men I have had the pleasure of meeting-a Melanoma Survivor. Needless to say, our family was pretty gung-ho about the event!
The survivor lap is always
emotional invigorating for me. As I walk that 1/4 of a mile I think back on what I went through, friends I lost, and how far I have come.
Our team name is M&M's Marchers--Moquie and McLaren's Marchers. For past 4 or so years we have acquired a sort of trademark. We built a "jail cell" out of PVC pipe. Participants can pay upwards of $1 to have a friend arrested. Our M&M sheriffs will apprehend the criminal and place them in jail. Their bail is double of whatever their bounty was. Prisoners must stay in the jail--begging for money from the passerbys.
For example: Devon is arrested for $5. He must raise $10 to be set free.
We literally will have people calling parents, friends, spouses, to bring them money. It is fun and FUNNY!
This year we also incorporated a cake walk. I posted a donations request on FB and through my work. I was astounded at the amount of people who donated tasty treats for our cause! Everything from cake and cookies to chocolate dipped pretzels and macaroons! The generosity put forth for such a good cause warms my heart!
I don't have any pictures from the cake walk but if I did you would see--pushing, shoving, chair stealing, sumo-lifting, basically all out brawls! It was a big success!

To add to the excitement of the evening, it was also my BIRTHDAY! Unbeknownst to me, my wonderful Husbandfriend invited all of those close to me me from near and far! I hate to admit that I was less than cooperative throughout the day...I simply didn't understand why we need 7 ice chests, a gazillion tables and chairs, and a grill for our small team of 8 or so. The next thing I knew, there were about 30+ people at our campsite and I was totally overwhelmed. It wasn't until i made a lap around the field back to our site when my husband, surrounded by a throng of people people began singing Happy Birthday! The unnecessary grill and patio furniture that I was so up set about turned out to be MY birthday presents. I felt horrible for being such a brat but was also completely happy and surprised! I love my husband!
Overall, my favorite part of the 12 hour/overnight event is the time we get to spend together as a family. Everyone mixes and mingles and it's nothing but good clean fun for everyone! We take turns walking which is a great opportunity to partner up with someone that you haven't had a chance to catch up with recently! At about 3 a.m. you either succumb to the Sandman or just walk around delirious for the next 3 hours.
Here are some who did not survive the 12 hours!
If you have never participated in the Relay for Life, I highly recommend that you do! There is most likely an event in your town or community! If you are from the same place as me, join us next year! We would love to see you and I'd be happy to walk a few laps with you! But I am giving you fair warning...watch out for those M&M sheriffs!
Still slightly delirious,
So fun and emotional. Omg Johnny hahahahahaha