I have watched the entire Sex and the City Series not once, but twice. Sorry, not sorry.

If you can get past Samantha's sluttiness, and basically everything about the show that goes against personal morals and beliefs...then you will totally fall in love with it.

I actually think that "Carrie" is the reason I started to write beginning a few years ago. 

In one of the episodes Carrie refers to her "SSB"- Secret Single Behaviors. All of the girls share theirs, ranging from standing in the kitchen in undies and a tank top eating saltine crackers to...watching infomercials with vaseline lathered hands covered with cotton gloves. Don't judge. You know you have some that could put those to shame!

This post is a little like that. Only, I'm not single. And let's face it, I don't have a group of girlfriends that I meet up with at the end of everyday to write about. But I do spend a lot of time alone. Husbandfriend works nightshift 7 days out of the month and that makes for a lot of extra time on my hands to do some odd things. We can refer to them as "NTDB's" Normally Toned Down Behaviors.

There are definitely things that I do MORE OF when he is not around-not because I need to hide it from him but because he would probably think I am a TOTAL WEIRDO and find himself wondering why he married me. Ok, probably not. Really though. Some things just need to be toned down-even in the presence of your most loved. Such as..
  • Testing out Pinterest Inspired Hairstyles-and failing miserably.
  • Watching/Singing and Dancing to the "Riff-Off" scene from Pitch Perfect NUMEROUS times.
  • The Brazilian Butt Workout
  • Belting out original songs that are about whatever I am currently doing...
  • Placing sliced cheese and Ritz Crackers in an alternating circle pattern around a small plate and then enjoying my tasty treat with a class of grape juice...(my "wine" and cheese alternative").
  • Building a furniture fort in the living room...
Ok, the last one is not really something I have done, but the thought of it is intriguing...

Husbandfriend has seen each of these live in person at least once and I am sure that his response to each one has been something along the lines of "You are so cute". And he meant it every time. That does not mean that I will submit him to the torture on a daily basis!

So, married friends, what are your NTDB's? And to all you single ladies, how about those SSB's?

While you sit and ponder those I will be watching, you know it, The Riff Off.



  1. My NTDB's:

    *playing any music I want and practicing my dance skills
    *eating strange combinations of foods with disregard to the time of day
    *playing music in the car more loudly than normal

    1. Ashley, I can totally relate to all of those listed!!! <3

  2. Replies
    1. So, soon to be MRS.BONESS! What will your NTDB's be?! Lol


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