Missouri: Day 2/Part 2!
Missouri Day 2/Part 2
Liberty Jail, BBQ, Frozen Custard
Ok, so the last post became quite lengthy and I decided to cut our second day in Missouri into two parts. At this point we have been to Adam-Ondi-Ahamn, Far West, and the Jesse James Farm.
We continued south towards Independence and made a stop in Liberty, MO. This jail was eventually deemed "unsuitable for living conditions" and closed. It was abandoned and later purchased and built upon for a home. Later, the church bought the property and decontrusted the "home" portion. They have rebuilt a portion to represent what the jail may have looked like during the time of Joesph Smith's imprisonment. A portion of the original jail still stands on display. A Visitor's Center was erected around the jail and church missionaries provide guided tours.
After Joseph Smith was arrested in Far West, he and 5 other men were taken to the Liberty Jail. This jail was comprised of 2 levels. The lower level, or "Dungeon" was where the prisoners were kept. The ceiling was approximately 6' high, in a time when most men were 6' tall or more. One of the men Joesph was captive with was 6'7. It is recorded that upon being released he had a permanent hunch in his back from their 5 months imprisoned.

The walls of the jail were 6 feet thick and comprised of 3 layers. The outermost layer was 2 foot limestone and was believed to be able to withstand the hit of a cannonball. The middle layer was 2 feet of crushed limstone piled up. The innermost layer was a piece of 2' squared timber. The walls we constructed in this manner with the thought that IF prisoners could break through the 2 foot piece of timber, they would be toppled with the crushed limestone, and then face a wall of limestone. No escape.
The prisoners were held here from December to April--the bitter months of winter. I would imagine the dungeon was VERY cold. The two slits in the walls welcomed bursts of cold winds constantly. Making fires weren't really practical because of the smoke factor. I can't imagine the conditions.
It is recorded by a bystander that just before he entered the jail Joseph Smith acknowledged the officers and said "Good Afternoon, Gentlemen". He was very positive...at first. After all, he has faced so much persecution up to this point in his life. But after a few grueling months, the conditions and the well-being of the saint's on the outside began to wear on him both physically and spiritually. In D&C 121 Joesph pleads with God, asking for help and wondering why this has happened. This is the first time that I can recall where the prophet seems to "break".
The Lord speaks to Joseph in D&C 121:7 saying "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shalt exalt thee on high; though shalt triumph over all thy foes."
When I read this scripture my thoughts immediately turned to my own life. I have faced many trials and adversity and often found myself wondering "Why me?" or "Where are You?". I think this scripture can be applied to all of us. Our afflictions, no matter how big or small, will only last for a small moment when you compare them to the bigger picture. And all we are asked to do is endure with faith and strength and God will exalt us.
Joseph received a few revelations while incarcerated. The visitor's center did a beautiful job displaying them on engraved marble surrounding the jail. The entire presentation was beautiful and provides a humbling spiritual experience for all.
In April, the governor of Missouri realized that he had no viable grounds to keep the men imprisoned and allowed them to "escape".
Liberty Jail was the last stop on our church history escapades for this trip! We realized that is was now about 6:30 and we were STARVING. Husbandfriend was hoping for some delicious BBQ and the search began. We wanted something authentic and not a chain as well as close to Independence. We stumbled upon "Bryant's BBQ".
This place was not in the best part of the area I would say...we were a bit apprehensive to give it a go based on the location. However, the parking lot was packed and the smells coming from the building were literally mouthwatering. So we went for it. Best decision ever.

Set up cafeteria style, Bryant's is small and was packed! You stand in line to order your food, which is prepared just on the other side of the window you order through. They are quick and loud! We weren't even sure what all we ordered by the time we paid for the meal.
Two plates, two side dished and 2 XL large drinks later...we were stuffed. Everything was absolutely delicious.
Our Second night ended with some Frozen Custard (as if we hadn't indulged enough...) and suitcase packing. Day three marks the whole reason we made the trip out and would also be our LAST DAY. Le sigh. :(
More tomorrow,
<3 Mo
After Joseph Smith was arrested in Far West, he and 5 other men were taken to the Liberty Jail. This jail was comprised of 2 levels. The lower level, or "Dungeon" was where the prisoners were kept. The ceiling was approximately 6' high, in a time when most men were 6' tall or more. One of the men Joesph was captive with was 6'7. It is recorded that upon being released he had a permanent hunch in his back from their 5 months imprisoned.
The prisoners were held here from December to April--the bitter months of winter. I would imagine the dungeon was VERY cold. The two slits in the walls welcomed bursts of cold winds constantly. Making fires weren't really practical because of the smoke factor. I can't imagine the conditions.
The Lord speaks to Joseph in D&C 121:7 saying "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shalt exalt thee on high; though shalt triumph over all thy foes."
When I read this scripture my thoughts immediately turned to my own life. I have faced many trials and adversity and often found myself wondering "Why me?" or "Where are You?". I think this scripture can be applied to all of us. Our afflictions, no matter how big or small, will only last for a small moment when you compare them to the bigger picture. And all we are asked to do is endure with faith and strength and God will exalt us.
Joseph received a few revelations while incarcerated. The visitor's center did a beautiful job displaying them on engraved marble surrounding the jail. The entire presentation was beautiful and provides a humbling spiritual experience for all.
In April, the governor of Missouri realized that he had no viable grounds to keep the men imprisoned and allowed them to "escape".
Liberty Jail was the last stop on our church history escapades for this trip! We realized that is was now about 6:30 and we were STARVING. Husbandfriend was hoping for some delicious BBQ and the search began. We wanted something authentic and not a chain as well as close to Independence. We stumbled upon "Bryant's BBQ".
This place was not in the best part of the area I would say...we were a bit apprehensive to give it a go based on the location. However, the parking lot was packed and the smells coming from the building were literally mouthwatering. So we went for it. Best decision ever.

Two plates, two side dished and 2 XL large drinks later...we were stuffed. Everything was absolutely delicious.
Our Second night ended with some Frozen Custard (as if we hadn't indulged enough...) and suitcase packing. Day three marks the whole reason we made the trip out and would also be our LAST DAY. Le sigh. :(
More tomorrow,
<3 Mo