The Waiting Game

Is timing really everything?
You hear it all the time. "Timing is everything".
But what if it's not? What if timing is what YOU make it, not what MAKES you.
People WAIT to say I Love You.
 People WAIT to get married.
 People WAIT to go back to school. 
WAIT to have babies.
 People WAIT to chase their dreams. 
People WAIT for that perfect timing. 
But how many times does that "perfect time" pass them by? 
Too many to count, that's how many. And then what? The moment is gone. 
I heard something pretty profound the other day. I can't remember who was speaking (it was one of those motivational videos on Youtube) but he said to imagine yourself on your deathbed. Imagine all of your dreams surrounding you- never brought to reality. 
The book that would never be written. 
The goal that was never achieved. 
The store that never opened. 
The invention that never was. 
All because you chose to WAIT. And now, those things will never come to be because YOU are the only one who could make them a reality.
I mean, seriously. Talk about a wake up call.
Why do we wait?
 If you ask me, I'd say it's because of fear. But of course we don't admit that. 
So here I am. Openly admitting my fear. I was afraid to pursue my Master's degree. 
Afraid of failing. 
Afraid of the time, money, and effort. 
Afraid of not being good enough. 
Luckily, Husbandfriend pushed me and here I am, 3 classes left and holding strong with a 4.0 GPA. 
I am afraid of having children. 
Afraid of the process. 
Afraid of bad outcomes.
Afraid of being a terrible mother.
Completely and utterly terrified.
There are so many other things that are stuck in waiting...waiting for me to "be ready".
But then yesterday happened. 
Yesterday we said good-bye to waiting.
We took a leap of faith and dove head first into a new adventure without more than 20 minutes to consider what would happen next. 
Is "the timing right"? Probably not. 
Are we ready for it? Not at all. 
Are we nervous? Completely. 
Are we excited for this moment? More than words can say.
Will we fail? Maybe.
But when I imagine the two of us at "the end" I feel confident in knowing that this dream won't be there untouched and alone-never to come to fruition. 
So I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't wait.
 Follow the path that has been laid and take chances.
Run instead of walk.
Chase your dreams before you reach a point in life when that is all they will ever be. 
Because time waits for no one. 

What are you waiting for?


Public Service Announcement: This is not a "we're pregnant!" post. That would be so weird. 


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