If They Could Speak

These hands could tell stories that most have never heard. Set broken bones, sewn open wounds, and blessed downtrodden hearts. Soft to the touch but strong enough to bring a person from near death, back to life. Steady the course they flew while landing the twin Comanche. Always willing to rub sore feet, or make a special pancake. These hands are the hands of a doctor, a surgeon, a pilot, a husband, and a priesthood holder.

The feet you see have seen many miles of places near and far. If they could speak they'd tell you stories of the fresh soil that holds the seeds of the best peaches you will ever eat. Straight from "Hurrican" not Hurricane if you are a true Southern Utahan. They'd recall their 18th year on Earth and the three days without rest on the battlefields of Kap Yong. The countless trips to Disneyland and their extreme hatred for GUM on the soles of their shoes. Vacations...castles, pyramids rising from the morning mist, white sandy beaches of the ocean's coast...These feet have carried the life of a farmer, an American hero, a family man, an adventurer.

His lips always spoke words of truth,whether you wanted to hear them or not. Singing sweet melodies from the church hymnals, and who can forget a Dr. Ruesch original? Soft kisses and pokey whisker scratches for all the grandbabies. Words of wisdom from a mentor, a Grandpa, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

We all wished we could look into this mind. Soak up all of its goodness. Fortunately for us, he shared bits and pieces. Scattered it all around to anyone willing to listen. This was the mind of a student, a scientist, a genius.

Although he is gone from our sight he is forever present in our hearts. It is our duty to continue his legacy and keep his memory alive.

~Moquie Ruesch-Flores

I wrote this over the course of a few days while my dad was in the final stages of his life here on Earth. I found myself thinking of him this morning and thought I would share. 


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