Taking Stock No. 2
Making: rental car reservations for Hawaii!!!
Cooking: Ha. Yeah. I wish. But really, we have had TWO home-cooked meals in the last week. Ugh.
Drinking: CAFFEINE!
Reading: The Morning Meeting Book and can I just say...I am SO excited for 1st grade!
Wanting: Sleep. So much sleep.
Looking: up definitions of EIN's, TPT's and licensing guidelines on the internet. These are things that are so far out of my realm that I am completely lost.
Playing: Pandora alllll dayyyy longgggg.
Wasting: Nothing. Literally. With the business opening soon and tons of work still to be done we are not being wasteful with anything. Money, time, energy. All is accounted for.
Sewing: Just no.
Wishing: for nothing but good things to come.
Enjoying: our beautiful weather. It has been an amazing month of May.
Waiting: for all of our paper work to go through on the business. The amount of paper work is out this world friends, let me tell you.
Liking: my Husbandfriend's new haircut. <3
Wondering: what else needs to be done. All the time. "What's next?" "What's left?" etc., etc., etc.
Loving: the fact that there are only 3 days left of this school year. 3 days people.
Hoping: my students caught on to some of my lessons as fast as they caught on to this stupid "Charlie Charlie" fad.
Marveling: at how aware our Heavenly Father is of our needs right now. His love is overwhelming.
Giggling: at our adorable ducks. They are seriously full-fledged entertainment.
Giggling: at our adorable ducks. They are seriously full-fledged entertainment.
Wearing: a pair of jeans I haven't been able to wear in about two years! Yippee!
Following: the leader...AKA Husbandfriend. I am his minion (in the best way).
Noticing: how fast kids grow. The transformation of my students from August to now is just crazy.
Knowing: that first grade is going to be the best thing ever. Yes, I know, it will be a lot of work. People don't understand that "lots of work" is what I have been craving for the last two years!
Thinking: my husband is the cream of the crop. He is talented in so many ways. I get a glimpse of something new every day. I am one lucky lady. <3
Feeling: SO excited for HAWAII! 21 days!!!
Bookmarking: all of my professional education books to review over summer.
Opening: Dominion Cutting Company LLC on July 4th, 2015! Make sure you stop by! ;)
3 days!