Netflix, Kitchens, and Chicken Coops.
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This was an interesting Valentines Weekend for us. Let me preface by saying that this holiday doesn't mean a whole lot to us. Primarily because Moquie Day is on the 12th and is WAY more significant to us. But, there is something about waking up next to my Husbyfriend on Valentine's Day that is pretty sweet.
Husband took the WHOLE weekend off, PLUS Monday! YIPPEE!!! We haven't had that much time together in awhile and typically, when we do, we are so busy that it just flies by. Not this time. Husby got sick. Definitely a bummer, but also kind of nice. I got to spend the entire weekend + Monday taking care of him, cuddling him, and giving him feel better kisses.
Our weekend started with some new fertility meds and a change in regimen. Yay...! Infertility totally sucks. But I have to tell you, it's brought us together in a way I never would have imagined. More on this later. <3
We spent a large majority of the weekend glued to the Netflix. DEXTER. Enough said. Every now and then we get hooked on a series and...well, it's bad. We become junkies! We just can't get enough of the series. We go over on our mobile data, intentionally, just to watch "one more episode". It's bad guys. But in the best way.
Hours. HOURS. We redefined "Netflix and Chill". And it was awesome.
We also spent some time in the kitchen which is something we haven't done in awhile. We reminisced about our first year of marriage and all the time we spent in the kitchen. That's where we met at the end of a long work day. We'd unwind while creating new recipes and we got to know each other even more. It's where we talked out our differences, where we left each other love notes, and made plans for the future. Heck, come to think of it, it's where he proposed! Anyway, we enjoyed cooking breakfast and dinner, plus a special dessert for my grandma. It was so enjoyable.
When he started to feel better, we headed outside with a plan to reinforce the duck/chicken pen. Another favorite past time of mine, when we create things together. Once, we made THE COOLEST chicken coop. Sadly, we had to leave it behind in the move. We loaded up the pups and headed out to get supplies. It was nice to be outdoors and working together on a project. It was especially nice when it turned out just the way we hoped it would. Success. :)
As I write this I am thinking, "people will think this is the most boring post ever" and truthfully, it probably is. That's what I love about it. Our weekend was just...normal. And normal is so NOT normal for us right now. It was nice to strip everything away for a few days and just, be. Just, Johny and Mo.
We didn't answer our phones, we didn't respond to texts, heck, we hardly left our room! (Dexter, remember?). And truthfully I felt a bit guilty a few times. We live with my grandma right now. And I feel like we hardly saw her for 4 days! It was needed though. And I know she totally gets that. *If you're reading this, we weren't intentionally avoiding you! Love you Mims!* ;)
So, I guess even though we didn't "celebrate" Valentine's Day, in a way we sort of did. It's probably my most favorite we have had together so far. Hermits and all.
<3 Mo
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