Being a Unicorn

It's true. That's what they call me. I am a unicorn! How many people can say that? Not many. In fact, only 2.4 to 13% of women (US National Library of Medicine). My parents always told me I was "special". I guess this is proof!

What is a Unicorn? 
Well, a normal women has two "horns" in her uterus. A unicorn, only has one or one that functions. Duh!! In my case, my right horn is fully functional. My left one is not fully developed and my left ovary does not connect to my left Fallopian tube. So, while my left side makes wonderfully big follicles, there is no where for those eggs to go! Sad face. 

We discovered this abnormality during a procedure called an HSG X-Ray. Let me just say--not your normal x-ray, and NOT fun. During this x-ray my doctor injected a serum into my Fallopian tubes and was able to watch it pour into my uterus. Well, the serum only went through the right tube. We knew this was something "weird" because she was almost excited about this finding. Apparently, it's not something you see very often. I was born this way. Yay, me! THANKS A LOT MOM! Just kidding... ;)

In December I had surgery to see if the tube was perhaps just blocked. That is when we found that it wasn't just a blockage but was not fully developed. Some consider surgical removal of the non-working horn. My doctor does not recommend it because of possible scar tissue that could result in an ectopic pregnancy later on. 

What Does This Mean?
Something I have learned in this journey is that getting pregnant is NOT an easy task, for anyone. It is truly a miracle that so many women can get pregnant very "seamlessly". For me, that challenge becomes exponentially more difficult! Typically, a woman's ovaries take turns ovulating, or releasing eggs, each month. So, if it is my "left side's" turn, I have a 0% chance of conceiving that month because those eggs don't go anywhere. To make matter's worse, my left side is way more active than my right. Again, "I'm special" remember? I have had about 3 months in a row where my left side ovulated and my right side just slept. Ugh. 

I take stimulants that encourage growth on both sides. It then becomes a competition of: Which Side Will Have the Largest Follicles? It's a total 50/50 chance each month. My uterus is like a game show seen through the Ultra Sound lens. 

What's Next?
We don't know! How frustrating is that? You are telling me! It's been approximately 8 months since my diagnosis and the start of our fertility treatments. We have learned a lot, spent a lot of money, and cried a lot of tears. It's definitely not easy. We meet with our specialist again next week. We plan to ask a lot of questions and expect to receive honest answers. We know we still have options and most importantly, we still have hope. 

What Have I Learned So Far?
We aren't the only ones. Infertility is much more common  that I ever could have imagined, which hurts my heart. 

I believe that every event in our life is meant to teach us. And I have to say that I have certainly learned a lot in the last 8 months. I NEVER knew the ins and outs (pun intended) of getting pregnant. I seems rudimentary right? WRONG! So wrong! 

I've learned more about my own anatomy, and that is important. I've spent the last 26 years of my life thinking I was fairly normal (minus the year of super rare cancer). Who knew I would be a unicorn! That's every little girl's dream right? 

I have, once again, become abundantly aware of my own strength. This has not, in any way, been easy. And it will continue to be a challenge. But I know that I have been given the gift of perseverance and optimism to handle this time in my life.

I learned to ask other's for help. I've asked for prayers without hesitation. I've had friends and family accompany me for blood draws and Dr. Appointments. I've learned to lean on my husband without hesitation when I feel to weak to carry on. 

Of course, my faith has grown exponentially. Especially my testimony of my Heavenly Father's plan for me, my husband, and our future as a family of more than just 2. 

I've also learned how much my husband loves me. I mean, I knew this. I've always known. But just yesterday he told me that he'd never want to go through this with anyone but me. And that means so much. 

Well, there you have it. Some questions and answers about our infertility journey. Because inquiring minds wanted to know. 



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