It's been a hot minute since the husband and I have been able to get away. It is hard to take "time off" when you own and operate a business. Plus just the facts...money, time, etc. But, in the essence of being completely transparent, I NEEDED to get away.
I think I have somewhat of a restless soul when it comes to true, tangible, and rich life experiences. I was blessed greatly as a child/young adult with so many opportunities to travel and see the world with my parents. I love to travel. Flying. Driving. Cruising. I don't care what the modality is, I crave it.

Being an adult is rough, yeah? Like, you have a full time job. And bills. And responsibilities. So things that are considered "leisure" are usually the first to go. In terms of vacationing, it had truly been awhile for us. The last few months have been so extremely stressful for me. In May I found myself having a complete and total meltdown. I was sitting in our living room one Friday morning, and I just. broke. down. Hard. That break down spilled over into Friday afternoon, Friday evening, and into the early morning hours of Saturday. It was ugly.
Now, I can't say that us planning a vacation was the answer to my troubles, but ya'll it sure did not hurt!
Planning things, like a vacation, is super difficult for us. I am a Taurus. He is an Aries. From the astrological perspective, we aren't very compatible and don't play well together. But we are the definition of "opposites attract". A few years ago we noted that we are almost always reading the same page, we just have different versions of the book. It takes us a minute but we always wind up right where we both were the entire time...if that makes any sense?
Anyhow, after a few days of bouncing travel ideas back and forth between Yellowstone, Portland, NorCal, San Francisco, and San Antonio, we settled on a road trip to Southern Colorado! As I said before, always on the same page, just a different version of the same book...once we decided on CO, the rest was easy to plan!
I think, at least for me, planning a vacation is almost as fun as actually going on vacation. Anyone else feel the same? I love looking for points of interest. I REALLY love scouring maps, yes maps, to find the best and most scenic routes. Hunting for places to stay and, of course, to eat are also super enjoyable. We don't however, set anything in stone. I will lay out the foundation, and we sort of just wing it from there!
A few months back, an instagramer I follow posted a picture of a Treehouse she and her husband stayed in. Yes, you read that right. A treehouse. I know. Awesome, right? She had found said treehouse on a site called www.glampinghub.com. I decided to check 'er out! And thus began one of our most memorable vacations to date.
We were both excited for our trip, but I don't know that either of us realized how much we NEEDED this trip. As individuals. As partners. This vacation was both relaxing and energizing. At any given time there was tranquility and exhilaration sharing the same moment. We were reminded of the simple things in life, and felt compelled to tackle some of the larger ones head on. We crossed off some of my Bucket List items (which you can read here). For the first time in a long time we found ourselves pointing to the same word, on the same page, in the same book, at the same time.
One of the many moments of clarity we had was that THIS needed to happen more frequently. That in the midst of this crazy journey called Life, we need to step away from time to time. To ground ourselves and re-center. So the promise was made, "pinky-style" that we would take some sort of trip quarterly. Every few months.
In addition, we decided to blog about our adventures! And this is the start. Check back here in the next few days to read about our Colorado trip: where we stayed, the route we drove, places to eat, and some other exciting moments along the way! Husband will be chiming in on those posts as well, as we want this to be something we do together!
With a Full & Centered Heart,
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