Tuesday Letters- Arizona

Dear Arizona,

I know that at time I may murmur against you and your cruel weather. Especially when it is 96 degree outside and 86 degrees IN MY HOUSE. Yeah. I really don't like you on those days...

Regardless, you are a beautiful state. I am stunned by your beautiful sunsets and diverse scenery. I love that in just a few hours drive in any directions I can see Saguaro arms reaching skyward, deserted mining towns that were once thriving sites of cowboys and hopeful entrepreneurs, Ponderosa Pines and gold coin Aspen Leaves in the fall, ancient ruins where pieces of the past till lay, dry desert land and snow capped mountains. 

I have contemplated packing up and hitting the road. Going as far from you as possible. Then I start weighing the pros and cons. You are one of few states that resides without any major natural disasters. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes...etc are non-existent here. Thank you for that. You do, however, suffer from drought, extreme heat, and wildfires. Not so good. I enjoy rain very much, and unfortunately I don't get to enjoy much of it here. I also love experiencing the seasons. ALL 4 OF THEM. There are few places within your boundaries that allow me to do so. On the flip side, I really love lake season and the fact that it last SO long. 

Overall I am grateful to be a resident of your land. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful backdrop for the story of my life so far. If you could ease up on the temperature gauge, I'd really appreciate it. At least until our A/C is back in working condition. 


One of my favorite places in Arizona, Haigler Creek-Young, AZ


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