Calm Down, I'm Only Human.

We all do stupid things. It's part of being human. That means that we have all had those, "I really hope no one saw that..." moments. You know the ones I mean. That time when you did something SO DUMB you literally made a 360 visual of your surroundings to make sure no one was laughing at your expense. Admit it. 

Some are pretty basic. Like the time you tried to push yourself up and over an inner-tube so  you could float casually above the water; and mid-push the dang thing flips over on you and you let out a ridiculous yelp. You've totally experienced that. Don't even deny it. 

Then there are the moments that are a little more intense. Like that time you were playing kickball. You were up to kick and were in your preparatory running-kick stance. The pitch is thrown. You run. You kick. YOU MISS. AND you kicked so hard your entire body flips up in front of you. You land painfully, and shamefully on your back, with the wind knocked out of you, and your ego completely destroyed. Unfortunately this was a kickball game which means there was an audience, and you will be reminded of that moment for the rest of your life. Long after the recess bell has rung. 

Well, here are some of my personal "I can't believe I just did that" moments. 

  • That time, after Teen Court, when I drove into a light post at the court house." No damage was done. No one saw. I drove away.
  • Or when I blew on my spoon of ice cream to cool it off?
  • How about the numerous moments when I go to dump a leftover dish into a Tupperware container and ALWAYS pick one that is too small. This happens DAILY.
  • At dance, while running a number, I kick too hard and fall (like the above scenario) and inadvertently break my wrist.
  • Perhaps the most costly...when I completely annihilated my car by hitting one of those stationary cement posts at the gas station. And, instead of stopping as soon as I made impact, making the conscious decision to CONTINUE driving forward, resulting in an awesomely deep "scratch" along the entire length of my poor car.
  • Locking myself out of my running vehicle not once, but twice.
  • Eating a trail mix that knowingly contained pistachios-which I am allergic to. 
  • Driving down a one street the wrong way. Darn you Downtown Flagstaff.
  • During a church meeting, while the congregation is singing... I am rockin' it out, singing my best when I realize, I am definitely singing the wrong verse.
  • While performing my solo at competition--my shoe flies off of my foot mid-single stag, hitting one of the judges in the head. Nice.
  • When I was literally ran over by a man riding a bicycle on an ice-covered sidewalk. Really? Not my fault, but still. 
There you have. A list of silliness that proves I am a human. So why then, do I get down on myself SO incredibly hard whenever I fall victim of just being me? 

Sometimes crap happens. We make mistakes. We fall short. We mess up. But guess what? It happens to everyone. Writing this list and discussing some of these moments with Husbandfriend has been pretty entertaining. They make for a good story and a great laugh. Maybe that's why they happen. We all know that Heavenly Father has a sense of humor. Perhaps these moments are his way of reminding us that it is okay to mess up. That's why we are here. How boring would Your Life's Story be without them?

Make your list. Have a Laugh. Share the Love.

**P.S. After reviewing this list I am beginning to wonder if I should be allowed to operate a vehicle...**


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