Well Hello!

Wow...it's been ages! I've missed this little space of mine. I apologize for my unannounced leave of absence. There have been numerous times over the course of the last month that I have opened my browser to this exact spot only to click that little red "x" in the corner. Here is why.

My life has changed a lot in the past few weeks. So many HUGE decisions were made and even more acts were put into play. I am not generally a very organized person in the honest sense of the word. I like to think of myself as being "chaotically organized" which is just a fluffy way of saying, "I'm a hot mess most of the time". My house, my workplace, my mind, my heart. I am all over the place in every aspect of my life.

Husbandfriend and I took an awesome trip to SoCal with my cousin and his girlfriend at the start of July. We lounged on beaches in San Diego and Encinitas, visited with family, and straight up owned Disneyland in a day and a half. It was great. Fun. Relaxing. The calm before the storm.When we returned our lives made a giant shift. We came home on a Wednesday.

  • Thursday, I started the first of 9 master's degree courses. 
  • That Sunday I was called to be the second counselor in the Young Women's Presidency for our ward at church (think "youth group" for those who aren't familiar with the term). 
  • That same Sunday we also received our Temple Recommends so that our marriage can be sealed in for eternity. 
  • Monday I started back to work. I had to move classrooms which is never a fun experience.
  • We set a Temple Date! 2 weeks out... :/
  • The following Monday school began with students and Husbandfriend made the shift from mine laborer to a Heavy Duty Mechanic Apprentice.
  • Cheer practice began also.
  • Work, school, sleep, repeat. With Young Women/Young Men's activities thrown in on Wednesdays.
Ok, so I know it doesn't look like a lot but mentally, emotionally, spiritually, this list becomes HUGE. Let me break it down for you.

Master's Degree
This has been a goal of mine that I am finally in the process of accomplishing. I am pursuing a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Elementary Reading. That's a mouthful. I am super excited about it but I am also terrified. While the rest of my life may be completely disorganized, when it comes to schooling I am a perfectionist. The thought of performing poorly in this chapter of my life is completely unacceptable and I have put a pretty high standard in place for myself. I just finished my first class with a gleaming 98% and I am kicking myself that it wasn't a 99. Really? I can't explain it. 

Husbandfriend is also taking classes online so our computer time has to be split. This has resulted in me using my prep time at work (which is right now) to do homework for my classes. Talk about time management. Unfortunately, my work duties are being sacrificed which will result in lots of grading being done at home. I just have to remind myself that it is worth it and it will all be over before I know it.

Young Women's
In our church members are called to various duties. This calling is awesome (I guess I should say they all are huh?). I get to work with the youth in our ward ages 12-18, specifically the girls. This is such a blessing in my life for so many reasons. It requires me to reflect on my life, choices, and behaviors as they will directly impact these beautiful souls I come into contact with. And if I am being honest I will tell you that these girls, I think maybe they were brought into my life to teach me, not vice versa.

Aside from our regular Sunday meetings we also plan Wednesday activities and various other events arise sporadically all the time. Wednesdays have become "dead days" for Husbandfriend and I. No homework is accomplished, dinner is not made. We get take out when we walk into our home for the first time all day at 8pm or later. At times, I feel completely unworthy of such a big role. But, this calling was impressed by our Heavenly Father and I trust that he has me here for a reason. 

Temple <3
As Latter Day Saints we believe that the most desirable marriage is one that is sealed for eternity in the House of our Lord. This Saturday, after nearly two years of civil marriage, Husbandfriend and I will be sealed together forever. Words can't even begin to describe what this means in my life. Our "date" came a lot sooner than we had anticipated and it is such a blessing that it did. I can't wait and it's only 2 days away! 

I returned to the same school I was at last year, still teaching 6th grade Language Arts. The decision was made to move our grade level to another area in the school. While it was a hassle, it was SO worth it. I LOVE my classroom. I don't think I have ever been able to say that before. I LOVE the way it is set up. I LOVE the colors. I LOVE the feel. Everything about it is exactly what I have always wanted. I made it a point to make it very simple and organized. So far, so good.This year's group of kids are awesome and I am really looking forward to working with them.

Cheer Coach
Dare I say that I really, REALLY enjoy this job? Well, I do. My team this year is 16 girls big with the heart and soul to match. They work hard and we play harder. I enjoy watching the progress they are ALL making. I am so proud of all of them. They warm my sometimes hardened heart at the end of a long school day. 

This is my most favorite title. Especially because, for the first time in our marriage, I get to be a "full-time" wife! Husband has worked shift work for the past 2 years which has meant that 1/2 of our marriage is spent living opposite lives! He is sleeping, I am at work. I get home, he is leaving. Such a bummer. I missed him lots and hated the dreaded night shifts. Now, Husbandfriend is in an apprenticeship which is a spectacular step for him, AND...he works straight days, Tuesday-Friday. Um, can you say "HALLELUJAH"?! We have every weekend together and I don't have to crawl into bed alone anymore. It's the greatest gift ever. 

So, life is great. It's busy, but I am blessed. I am sorry if I don't get to posting that often. I am TRYING to be ORGANIZED, remember? Time management. Hopefully this little space can find a comfortable spot in my schedule soon. But for now, we are still adjusting. And I am loving it.



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