Where I Come From

I grew up in "Small Town USA". It's the type of town that kids swear, "I'll leave and never come back". I know. I was one of them. But, here I am. I am back in the town I swore off for life. And although it has been an internal struggle for me since our return just a little over a year ago, I have gained a different appreciation for it in my "old" age. In the last week I have dusted off my mountain bike from my college days and have taken to the trails about town. Here is a collection of thoughts I've had over the course of the last 5 days or so.

Where I come from...people know your name. And where you live. And the exact make/model of the car you drive.  Creepy? Sort of. Cool? Definitely. It is nice to live in a place where you aren't just another face but an actual character in the story.

Where I come from...history stands strong. Our small community has roots in so many historical events that involve so many different groups in society. As I ride my bike through downtown I try to imagine a time when the streets were dirt and the tracks were being laid. The old buildings stand tall over me, just as they did over 100 years ago. 

Where I come from...the church bell rings at the top of each hour. We live in close proximity to the Catholic Church downtown and high up in it's steeple sits an old bell. Without fail, it welcomes each new hour with a timeless melody.

Where I come from...everyone is a little country. I think it is every boy's dream to drive an old truck and every girl's dream to date a guy who does. Dates consist of star gazing and fishin' in the dark. Hunting season is an excusable reason for missing school all week as well as preparing 4H entries for the county fair.

Where I come from...landmarks mean more than street names. I always feel so silly when out of towners ask for directions and I have to direct them by saying things like, "you'll pass an intersection with a big steel globe sitting in the middle of the median" or, "Do you know where the Forest Service is? Ok, keep going past that a few miles...". 

And speaking of landmarks...

Where I come from...we bleed orange and black. Unless your from the town next door...then you just bleed from the beating we give you every year during our annual rivalry game. Last weekend the neighboring towns played their 100th annual football rivalry game. Approximately 5000 fans from both sides were in attendance and the stakes were high. What was on the line? The illustrious Copper-Kettle. It is literally, a kettle made of copper, as our community was basically founded upon Copper Mining. Inside the kettle is a link of copper footballs inscribed with the final score of every game for the last 99 years. This years football will be added to show the Tiger win and will be displayed at the high school for all to see.

Where I come from...the town closes at five p.m. Really. There isn't a whole lot open past 5 so plan accordingly. 

Where I come from...we eat burros not "burritos". And we eat them enchilada style. Period.

Where I come from...there is more dirt than blacktop. Don't bother washing your vehicle. DO invest in a mountain bike, some hiking boots, and a good dog to accompany you on your outdoor adventures. 

Where I come from...friends are more like family. It's a small town. Friends become an extended member of the family. They walk into your parents home, raid the fridge, and throw their feet up. In some cases, they may even call your mom "mom". And when "mom" has a skunk in her pine tree attempting to attack her chickens and you are 4 hours away at college, your friend will run up to the rescue. And if you are like me and don't make friends easily, those people become precious.

Where I come from...life isn't easy. It is hard to be from a small town with little to do and not a lot of opportunity. But those who are strong enough can use this challenge as a tools and find that opportunity isn't something that just happens. You have to work hard and make it happen.

Where I come from...change is hard. I blame this small town for my inability to accept change easily because...not a lot changes here. And when it does it seems that the town might implode! People here are accustomed to what is familiar and don't take change very well. I think there are numerous citizens that are in a current struggle over this question- "Where should we go for dinner?!" after a recent change in a local restaurant. The struggle is real!!!

Where I come from...my father will always be. He built his practice here. He made a name for himself and for our family. He is loved and will always be remembered here.

Where I come from...there are memories at every turn. I love when Johny and I decide to roam the streets and tell their stories. He grew up in that "other town" and I learn so much from him. I love sharing stories with him as well. Who knew that an old dirt lot below the football field could hold such fond memories from middle school, or that a house up on a hill was where my husband spent some of his best times with a friend that was like a brother?

Where I come from...ghosts are lurking. I'll be honest. When you live in a town as old as this one with a history dating back to the old west there are bound to be some creepy happenings now and then. It's true!

Where I come from...I fell in love. I never would have guessed that I would meet "him" here. I actually avoided the possibility at all costs. But I am so glad I found him here. I found someone that can see the beauty and benefit of this place, and has made me appreciate it more. Who would have thought?

Where I come from...a lot of people leave. I did. Most people want to. There has to be more right?

Where I come from...a lot of people stay. I think this goes back to the whole "change is hard" thing. 

Where I come from...a lot of people return. Many would agree that this town "sucks you in". Maybe it's true. Or maybe it has to do with everything I just stated. I don't really know. But I'm here again. 

Now don't get me wrong, this town is far from perfect. I just decided to find the beauty this week and see if it made life a little easier. I don't know what the future has in store for us. I know that in my heart I would like to explore this big beautiful world a little more. But I also know that Home is Where the Heart Is and this town is starting to find a place in this closed off heart of mine. 

My challenge for you is to find the beauty. What makes your hometown special??

<3, Mo


  1. Love the idea of this post! And 5pm?! How do you get anything done during the week?! haha!


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