Dreams Will Come True

I was fortunate enough to have been raised in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have known since I was a small child that my Heavenly Father knows and loves me. Over the years the testimony of the gospel has grown and has been strengthened through my experiences. Even as an adult I am noticing moments when a situation ignites a flame in my heart that strengthens my testimony.

Every Sunday in the month of March I taught the lessons for our Young Women's group at church. The lessons all focused on the Atonement.I felt extremely unprepared each week. How can I possibly relate everything that IS the Atonement of Jesus Christ? How could anyone? I did the best that I could and I think some messages were received. I did however feel a bit defeated. Like I just didn't do it justice.

I know what the Atonement is. I have meditated many times on the that evening in the Garden of Gethsemane. There have been time in my life when I have felt so completely and utterly alone, finding solace only in the knowledge that there is in fact one other person who has felt my pains and sorrows. Sometimes in my thoughts I become so completely overwhelmed with emotions at the thought of such a perfect human; indeed the only perfect person, dying on a cross for ME. I know that he died so that I could have life love and happiness, and return again to my Father in Heaven someday.  During  times when I have lost loved ones to the other side of the veil I have always found comfort knowing that they are not gone forever and they will indeed live again; because of Him.

I know these things to be true.

This morning I was startled awake by my guardian, Max. He is a Great Dane/English Mastiff. The definition of a gentle giant, he scares away unwanted (and wanted) guests and purrs when I pet him. He is my protector and he is very in-tune with my emotions. Max was outside (thanks for waking me up at 3am so you could chase a cat...) while I was sleeping the last ten minutes before my alarm went off. I awoke out of a deep sleep to the sound of him trying to, literally, break through the door to get into my bedroom. He was barking incessantly and was jumping on the glass french doors with all of his might. Normally, I'd be furious at this ridiculous display of behavior. But to my astonishment, I realized I had been crying, sobbing, in my sleep. He was trying to get to me so he could wake me up.

In these glimmering minutes of morning I was dreaming the most beautiful of all dreams. Husband and I had taken my grandma to an Easter Pageant. We were sitting on the slope of a hill watching the performance which seemed to be absolutely breathtaking. When the pageant ended we began to walk up the hill towards the exit. Suddenly, a voice from behind called out"Here he comes!". We turn and I see my Dad walking towards us. He was wearing his NAU DAD sweatshirt and a huge grin. His camera was hung around his neck. In my dream I was surprised. How can this be? You've been gone for so long? This isn't real. When he caught up to us he draped one arm across my shoulders and began raving about the show. At the top of the hill he gave me a full embrace and continued walking ahead as if he really had somewhere he needed to be. Suddenly, I was left alone walking the path I believed he had taken. Suddenly, I see a gate. Nothing fancy, just a simple fence with a rottiron gate at one end. Standing in front of this entrance were two familiar faces. Elders (missionaries) from our area whom we have grown to love and adore. Smiles gleaned from ear to ear and they pointed me through the entrance. As I came around a corner I saw my whole family standing together in complete happiness. All of my cousins were surrounding my Dad as he handed out endless embraces of love. The missionaries stood close by just watching in adoration. And then I woke up.

It was beautiful. And I remember it clearly, even 4 hours later. Pure happiness and love. What makes it even more special and significant is that today marks exactly two years since my Dad passed.

I've always wondered, What do dreams mean? As I was getting ready this morning I had two very clear messages in my mind.

1. My Dad is not gone. He is living, somewhere not very far from here. And someday, I will be with him there and it will seem as though only minutes have passed us by since we last saw one another. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ suffered, bled, died, and rose on the third day in order to allow this to happen.

2. Missionaries are truly servants of God. These young men and women have a divine purpose on this Earth and I will forever be grateful for their complete selflessness and service. They are inspired to say and do the things which the Lord needs of them. There is no script. There are no coincidences. Their appearance in my life and the lives of all they come into contact with happen just as our Heavenly Father has planned.

I have always known these things. But this morning these truths rang loud and clear in my heart.

Thank you for the visit Dad. Until we meet again,



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