Teacher Thoughts Thursdays: Teaching Kids Poetry

6th Grade Struggles

Glasses, curls, and braces
Acne, and B.O.
This is just a tiny glimpse 
of my growing list of woes.

Sixth grade can be really hard.
The kids can be so mean. 
How can I start to blend in,
if my clothes aren't clean?

It seems like things are always changing. 
"Friends" change friends each day.
Right now I have five of them,
but will they always stay?

The teachers seem to understand
but there's nothing they can do.
I guess I'll have to figure out,
how not to feel so blue.

I read a book about a duck,
I'm sure you've read it too.
He was the ugliest of the bunch,
this was a truth he knew.

Until one day when suddenly
everything had changed.
The ugly duckling was no more.
His life was rearranged. 

I'm hoping it will be the same
for me, the outcast one.
Someday I will wake up and see
my reality redone. 

Until that day comes I guess I just
have to play their game.
Hopefully they will wake up and see
that this is really lame. 

-Mrs. F


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